About Us

Institutional Distinctiveness

SAFI Institute of Advanced Study (Autonomous) is formed under SAFI charitable trust comprising a team of service-oriented individuals, educationalists and philanthropists as a Centre of Excellence in research and higher education. The vision of the institution is to aspire the welfare of society through the excellence in science, arts and technology by developing leadership qualities. The institution consistently motivates the students by providing a platform for their social and mental development through integrating qualities like honesty, delegation, confidence, commitment, optimism, creativity and perseverance. The institution has never faltered in inspiring the students in the pursuit of knowledge, moral values, and social responsibility.

The Management and the faculties of SIAS strive to develop the systematic strategy to accomplish the vision for the transformation of socially and economically backward people into a society, competent in every respect to meet the challenges of the modern world. The Management provides unflinging financial and emotional support to students for achieving their dreams and aspirations.

Since creating leaders is the vision of the institution, all the curricular, extra-curricular and extension programmes are designed to be compatible with it. Following are the highlights of our strategy:

Leaders Academy - The institution hosts a Leadership Academy for developing leadership qualities in students. To mould the students into socially responsible leaders, the academy has designed a unique three-year leadership programme which contains diverse sessions like leadership development group activities, seminars, group discussion, debate training sessions and interaction with prominent leaders. The three-year Leadership Development Programme of the academy contains modules encompassing topics such as:

  • Vision and Mission of Academy
  • Fundamentals of Leadership
  • Career Guidance and Counselling
  • Visionary Leadership
  • Strategic Planning
  • Leadership Skills
  • Analysis of Model Leaders
  • Indian Constitution
  • Human Rights
  • National and Global Challenges
  • Environmental Studies
  • Unlearning and Entrepreneurial skills
  • Organizational Behavior.

Diverse methods like individual and group assignments, training sessions, workshops, presentations, theatre of education, interaction with prominent leaders and off-site visits are adopted for completion of modules. Upon successful completion of the programme, the students become exceptionally adept in skills of language, communication, problem solving, decision making, strategic planning and time management towards involvement in the society. ‘Annual Performance Day’ scheduled towards the end of the three-year programme, showcases the talents and skills of the members, boosting their self-confidence and helping them strengthen skills and reduce performance anxiety. The certificates of course completion are presented during the Convocation Ceremony.

SIAS Academy : Our institution started IAS Academy, Delhi, in collaboration with Vedhik IAS Academy and Chanakya Academy for conducting online and offline classes respectively for qualifying civil service examinations. Out of 36 students joined in the first batch, 11 are from different states of India namely, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Scholarships are provided under merits and means in this one year residential programme.

Research Directorate: With an intention to develop as a centre for excellence in research, we encourage each person to be involved in meaningful research abide by code of ethics and established a research wing entitled SIAS Centre for Scientific research (SIAS-CSR) with the following objectives:

  • To upgrade the quality of teaching-learning through lively research.
  • To keep the faculty and students abreast of the latest developments in their respective areas of specialization.
  • To ensure quality publication in highly reputed journals.
  • To establish collaboration between Departments/ institutions/ centres and industry both in the public and private sectors to generate R & D funds through sponsored projects.
  • Collaborations with Academic, Industrial and R&D agencies for conducting Skill-based programmes such as Trainings and Workshops.
  • Conducting Govt. or management sponsored National and International Conferences, Seminars and Workshops.
  • Introducing new techniques of learning skills, literature review methods, gap analysis through offline and online platforms
  • To familiarize with the art of using different research methods and techniques.
  • Taking up surveys useful for community, writing proposals to government and outside agencies for new projects.
  • Establishing a publication division for the quality research outputs.
  • To promote scholarly activity in students.

Some of the accomplishments of SIAS-Research Directorate

  • The science departments obtained financial support for 18 UG and PG research projects from KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala and also got financial support from NGOs worth 2.5 lakhs for hydroponics research project.
  • All departments organized Govt. or management sponsored national and international seminars, workshops and trainings. Hosted three National Workshops and one research methodology workshops funded by KSCSTE, one IPR workshop funded by DBT and KSCSTE, two National Science Day celebrations Funded by DBT and KSCSTE jointly.
  • Students have been selected for Indian National Science Academy Summer research fellowships and summer research fellowship in Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research at IISC.
  • Students have been selected as state level winners of innovative research project for sustainable agriculture and pathology by KDISC, Govt. of Kerala.
  • Publication division published 6 ISBN proceedings as a result of National and International conferences by various departments and 3 ISBN books on different topics.
  • Also published 2 ISBN books in collaboration with other academic institutions like School of Bioscience, MG University, Kottayam and MES, Mampad College.
  • Faculties are actively engaged in research and knowledge dissemination via Publications in Journals, Paper Presentations in various prestigious National and International conferences including addressing the UN general Assembly, Turkey International Conference, Summer School of UK, Contest papers of Swadeshi Science Congress and Kerala Science Congress.
  • Faculties and students won awards in the following titles for their research works namely
    • Young scientist award
    • Best female faculty award
    • Sir C V Jacob award for best research paper
    • Best paper presentation awards
    • Best poster presentation awards

The college authority offers financial support to faculties to present and publish research papers in reputed journals and also to take membership in professional bodies to expand their horizon.

All of these initiatives make our institute excel among the peers.

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