About Us


To be a premier academic Institute globally acclaimed for empowering citizens in general and the backward classes in particular with competencies and character for constructive nation-building through quality higher education and research in multi-disciplinary subjects.



  • To offer academic courses of contemporary and futuristic importance nationally and globally.

  • To create centers of excellence in frontier areas of technology, science, social science and humanities.

  • To provide a conducive classroom and institutional environment that promotes effective learning, curiosity, creativity and innovation.

  • To provide holistic education including life skills, emotional, moral and spiritual competencies as well as values of social responsibility, plurality and entrepreneurship.

  • To undertake collaborative partnerships for facilitating exposure and adoption of best practices.



S - Social Responsibility

Empowering weaker and underprivileged sections and reaching the last, the least, the lowest and the lost to contribute to national development.

A - Academic Excellence

Providing quality, value-based, integrated, inter disciplinary, entrepreneurial and experiential education to create world-class talents and scholars as of relevance to contemporary needs.

F - Focused holistic education

Concerned with the development of every student’s intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, leadership, creative and spiritual potentials.

I - Integrity and Accountability

Shared decision making with productive interactions among all stakeholders, inculcating the ethos of being impartial, selfless and sacrificial along with moral values in the pursuit of institutional goals.

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