Department of Management Studies

Dept. of Management Studies

The Department of Management Studies came into existence in the year 2018 after segregating from DCMS. The department takes initiatives for overall development of students and gives them practical orientation to inculcate employability skills which will help them to face this competitive world. The department activities are focused on imparting technical knowledge along with its application in the practical world. Simultaneously personality development of students is also given priority.


To become a center of excellence for management studies and thereby creating leaders in the corporate world


  • To equip students with knowledge and expertise in leadership and management

  • To design the modes of teaching in such a way that it helps students to use their expertise to tackle complex real-world challenges

  • To develop a sense of social commitment to help them view business and leadership from an ethical and cultural standpoint

  • To encourage and prepare students to attend intercollegiate, regional, national, and international events (competitions, conferences, camps, etc.)

  • To train students in various soft skills

Importance of the department

  • Provide students with attitude and aptitude to identify, analyze and develop business opportunities as well as solve business problems.

  • Develop the ability in the students for strategic planning, leadership and team building.

  • Instill and hone the skills in the students by knowledge transfer for making them competent management professional through application of the acquired knowledge and skills; and to develop their written and oral communication competencies to enhance managerial effectiveness.

  • Inculcate the values of social responsibility ,legal and ethical principles and corporate governance as a global citizen .

  • Equip the students with necessary attitude and ability to adapt to dynamic business environment and rapid changes in it due to technological advancement.

  • Students will be able to practically apply the concepts,tools and techniques learned during the programs in real life business situations .

  • Critical thinking, business analysis and problem solving.

  • Students will develop the ability to communicate effectively through oral as well as written mode.

  • Students will be able to develop global outlook and understanding of cross –cultural functioning of the business.

  • Students will develop the ability to lead and build teams demonstrating ethical standards in business decision making with responsiveness to contemporary social issues.

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